Chef of Kogi Truck Offers a Healthy Fast Food Option

11328021266_5b98dc570a_bRoy Choi, with an aim to change the morality of the food chain, has recently opened LocoL at Watts.

Watts is at the center of what is called a “food desert,” which the USDA defines as “a census tract where a substantial number or share of residents has low access to a supermarket or large grocery store.” As this underserved community lacks healthy and affordable restaurants around, it is hard for the residents to reach for a healthful as well as delicious dinner.

Roy Choi and Daniel Patterson, who has been impressed by Choi’s criticism about civic responsibility for the hunger, announced their idea for LocoL at 2014 MAD conference. They presented LocoL as a chain of restaurants serving fresh, healthful, and tasteful cooking for the price of a drive-thru meal.

Even though customers can enjoy a variety of menu with affordable prices of a dollar to 8 dollars at tops, ingredients used at LocoL are healthy, fresh, and local. Chef Choi’s project holds much meaning that it is an attempt to change the morality of the food chain.

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Translated by Heewon Kim