Dr. Young-Hoon Yoon, director of the Health Checkup Center at Gangnam Severance Hospital in South Korea, recently visited Los Angeles to promote their tailored...
The era of Korean-American U.S. Senators has officially begun, marking a significant milestone in the 120-year history of Korean immigration.
On December 9, Andy Kim,...
The labor union of the Koreatown Immigrant Workers Alliance (KIWA), a labor rights organization based in Koreatown, Los Angeles, announced on its official Instagram...
On the evening of December 7, the “Year-End Celebration Night for North Korean Defectors” took place at Yongsusan in Los Angeles’ Koreatown.
Hosted by the...
Justin Park, a Korean-American R&B artist, has found himself in the global spotlight thanks to BTS’ Jungkook. The K-pop superstar shared Park’s song on...
A Korean-American acupuncturist in Baltimore recently fell victim to a phishing scam, losing over $56,000, according to a report by local outlet ABC2 on...
A large-scale detention facility for undocumented immigrants is expected to be built near San Francisco.
In August, the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) reportedly...