The mobile app operated by the Korean American Federation of Los Angeles (KAFLA) will soon pause its services temporarily. With the impending suspension of...
The 'Hallyu Madang Arts Festival' is set to commemorate 120 years of Korean immigration with a grand celebration.
Co-hosted and organized by the Korean American...
The voices of residents in LA Koreatown often go unheard due to a lack of communication channels, leading to neglected issues and unaddressed complaints.
A seminar on the prosecution process of hate crimes, organized by the Korean American Federation of Los Angeles and the Korean Prosecutors Association, was...
The Korean American Federation of Los Angeles (KAFLA) has launched its cultural roots education program aimed at teaching Korean-American youth about their cultural identity...
A business fair for Korean-American nonprofits and student organizations, named the 2023 NextGen Expo, was held on May 13. It was LA Koreatown's very...
The south-after redevelopment plan to build a community center in Koreatown received an uplifting news this week after the Los Angeles County has officially...