A Korean American couple who own a restaurant in San Francisco has been charged with bribing local officials and Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)...
Los Angeles Police Department is actively seeking a suspect involved in a widespread act of vandalism in Koreatown, where approximately 30 vehicles were damaged.
A Korean American lawyer, who was disbarred for embezzling real estate funds from clients in New York's Korean American community, continued to commit fraudulent...
A Korean American owner of three auto maintenance and repair businesses in Orange County has been caught evading taxes by underreporting nearly 80% of...
A Korean American man in his 40s has been arrested for kidnapping, torturing with a knife, and sexually assaulting a woman.
The Las Vegas Metropolitan...
Korean Americans are accused of operating high-end brothels in Boston and Washington, D.C., catering to clients such as doctors, business owners, military personnel, lawyers,...