Released in 2021, the Netflix Original Series Squid Game made a sensational debut, winning major trophies at media awards. Reflecting the popularity and sensation of the drama, Netflix has opened real-life trial zones in Los Angeles, immersing audiences in the world of Squid Game by offering a series of games drawn from or inspired by the show.
Ticket bookings for the event, which began on December 6, are available until January 31, 2024, as of December 7.
General Admission tickets for the event start at $39 and provide access to the Night Market and entry to play Squid Game: The Trials. Located at 200 N Fairfax Ave Los Angeles, CA 90036, the experience will open 10 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. Wednesday through Sunday.
The VIP Package, priced at $99, offers an exclusive experience with perks such as preferred parking, coat check, priority Night Market access, Squid Game: The Trials entry, VIP Lounge access, a special cocktail or mocktail, Photo Booth pictures, and a VIP mask.
For 70 minutes, those with a paid admission ticket will participate in six different indoor games. The games include memory step (inspired by the glass stepping game from the drama), marble throwing, battleship, using a tool to take out a model organ, red light/green light, and lastly, a game where you place a model egg on a spoon and knock it off your opponent’s spoon with your hand.
The final winner can enjoy a complimentary drink at the VIP lounge, just as the winner deserves.
Before and after the adventure in Squid Game: The Trials, ticket holders can enjoy a leisurely time at the Night Market. The market will feature a variety of food and drink options, a shop for souvenirs, arcade games, photo opportunities, and additional attractions.
To purchase tickets, please visit:
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