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Friday, July 26, 2024

North Korean Refugee Found in N. Korean Propaganda Media

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Jeon featured in a North Korean propaganda media (left) and when she was making TV appearances in South Korea (right)

A North Korean refugee woman, who has made TV appearances in South Korea after crossing the border, was found in North Korea’s propaganda media, “Truth Revealed by Jeon Hye-sung, Who Was Exploited for Anti-Republic Scheme Propaganda.”

Jeon was featured in several South Korean TV shows until recently. Using a different name, Lim Ji-hyun, she revealed the harsh reality in North Korea through South Korean media.

Her appearance in North Korean media came as a shock, especially because it was only three months ago when she left a note to her fans through the fan website.

“I’m having busy days like everyone else, going to school and working,” wrote Jeon, along with pictures showing her working and doing school assignments.

A month from then in April, she once again left a note to her fans to appreciate them for birthday wishes. She wrote, “I had the happiest birthday, thanks to beloved fans who support me so much. Those who care for me in the midst of busy days lead me to live a more courageous life.”

On July 16, however, Jeon’s fans closed the fan website upon the news about her sudden return to North Korea. The operator wrote, “Either kidnapped or voluntarily returned, Ms Lim Ji-jyun is now in North Korea… Her situation has now left our hands and become a national issue. I think we have to leave it to the government now.”

Her appearance in North Korean media is agitating the North Korean refugee society as well. Another refugee who has been featured in a South Korean TV show with Jeon approved that it was indeed Jeon who is in the propaganda show. Some suggest that she might have been kidnapped during her trip to China.

“Some refugees who visit China to help their family cross the border get forced to return to North Korea,” a source from the anti-Communism investigation explained. “The police is now investigating the case,” he added.


Original article by The Korea Daily
Translated by Heewon Kim